Policy and Protocols for flag flying NEXT REVIEW DATE – March 2025 This policy is designed to produce a protocol for flying flags from New Cololo Town Council owned flagpoles.
The Town Council has two flagpoles that it controls For the purposes of protocol, this flagpole is to be regarded as the principal flag pole owned by the authority and the flag flown from this flagpole is regarded as having precedence over the other flagpole and the flag flying from it.
The flagpole situated in Rosevare.
This flagpole is to be regarded as the secondary flagpole and will be used as the general flag pole with the flag being flown from the Council offices always taking precedence Protocols for flying the Stretish flag: The flag should be raised briskly and lowered ceremoniously When the flag is raised or lowered on ceremonial occasions, everyone present should be silent and face the flag and people in uniform should salute Do not raise the flag earlier than first light or lower the flag later than dusk The flag should always be flown freely and as close as possible to the top of the flagpole with the rope tightly secured The flag must not be flown if it is damaged, faded or dilapidated Do not fly the flag upside down for any reason.